House Call Chiropractor in Metairie, LA

🏠 Welcome to Dr. Lee House Calls! House Call Chiropractor in Metairie, LA 🏠 We are excited to share the incredible benefits of House Calls Chiropractic with you! At Dr. Lee House Calls, we believe in bringing optimal health and wellness right to your doorstep. Here’s why choosing House Calls Chiropractic can be a game-changer for your […]
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Children: Enhancing Health and Well-being

Pediatric Chiropractic Care in Metairie, LA As parents, we always want what’s best for our children, especially when it comes to their health and well-being. Did you know that chiropractic care can play a significant role in supporting your child’s overall health? At Dr. Lee House Calls, our house call chiropractic practice is committed to […]
Dry Needling for Neck Pain in Metairie, LA: A Powerful Solution for Lasting Relief

Neck pain can be a persistent and debilitating condition that affects numerous individuals. Whether it’s caused by poor posture, muscle tension, or injury, finding effective relief is crucial for restoring quality of life. As a house call chiropractic service, Dr. Lee House Calls is dedicated to providing convenient and personalized care for neck pain. In […]
Chiropractic Care Facts vs. Fiction

From sitcoms to movie depictions, the chiropractic profession has certainly earned its ‘good sport’ award as we’ve watched actors enact what they believe to be a re-creation of a chiropractic adjustment accompanied by a very loud series of noises. In reality, though, one of the most commonly asked questions in a chiropractic office is “What […]
How Chiropractic Care is Combatting the Tech Neck Epidemic

According to data from the UN’s International Telecommunication Union and the World Bank, within the last decade, the number of active cell phone subscriptions on the planet grew larger than the population of actual people living here. Compared to the estimated 8 billion people currently comprising the populace, and with many people having more than one […]
House Call Chiropractic for Exercise and Sports Injuries

Exercise and Sports Injuries Exercising consistently is important to staying healthy but sometimes you may experience injuries that will throw you off from your fitness routine and can set you back. Major traumatic type injuries may require surgery or a trip to the ER such as head trauma, broken bones, dislocations, or tendon ruptures. However, […]
Lower Back Pain: Short Leg Syndrome & How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Are you struggling with lower back pain, hip pain, sacroiliac joint pain, knee pain, or ankle pain? Those symptoms could be cause by Short Leg Syndrome or Leg Length Discrepancy. Short Leg Syndrome is condition that develops when one of your legs is shorter than the other. Most people think that having a short leg would cause problems […]
Chiropractic Care Improves Posture

Poor posture not only affects your appearance and self confidence, but it also negatively impacts your health. Poor posture can cause neck pain, headaches, back pain, poor circulation, breathing difficulties, fatigue, shoulder tension, and early spine aging. Thoracic kyphosis is an excessive curvature in the thoracic spine that leads to a rounded upper back. Common factors causing […]
Should you see a Chiropractor for Shoulder Pain?

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain, whether it is a dull ache, sharp pain, numbness and tingling going down your arm and hands, pain in your left or right arm, or going into your neck causing a headache – there’s no denying that shoulder pain can affect your quality of life. You don’t realize how much you […]
Chiropractic for Low Back Pain

Are you tired of dealing with low back pain that feels sharp, shooting, achey, stiff, or even discomfort? Suffering from Sciatica? Pain going down your legs causing numbness and tingling? Believe it or not the feeling of your foot falling asleep could be coming from your lower back Low back pain could have many causes from prolonged […]